APC 使用者快取
- 簡介
- 安裝/配置
- 預定義常量
- APCu 函式
- apcu_add — 快取一個新變數到儲存中
- apcu_cache_info — 從 APCu 儲存中獲取快取資訊
- apcu_cas — Updates an old value with a new value
- apcu_clear_cache — Clears the APCu cache
- apcu_dec — Decrease a stored number
- apcu_delete — Removes a stored variable from the cache
- apcu_enabled — Whether APCu is usable in the current environment
- apcu_entry — Atomically fetch or generate a cache entry
- apcu_exists — Checks if entry exists
- apcu_fetch — Fetch a stored variable from the cache
- apcu_inc — Increase a stored number
- apcu_key_info — Get detailed information about the cache key
- apcu_sma_info — Retrieves APCu Shared Memory Allocation information
- apcu_store — 快取一個變數到儲存中
- APCUIterator — APCUIterator 類
- APCUIterator::__construct — Constructs an APCUIterator iterator object
- APCUIterator::current — Get current item
- APCUIterator::getTotalCount — Get total count
- APCUIterator::getTotalHits — Get total cache hits
- APCUIterator::getTotalSize — Get total cache size
- APCUIterator::key — Get iterator key
- APCUIterator::next — Move pointer to next item
- APCUIterator::rewind — Rewinds iterator
- APCUIterator::valid — Checks if current position is valid