

安裝此 PECL 擴充套件相關的資訊可在手冊中標題為 PECL 擴充套件的安裝章節中找到。更多資訊如新的發行版本、下載、原始檔、 維護人員資訊及變更日誌等,都在此處: » https://pecl.php.net/package/apcu.


PHP 7 has a separate module (» apcu-bc) for backwards compatibility with APC.

In backward compatibility mode, APCu registers the applicable APC functions with backward compatible prototypes.

Where an APC function accepted cache_type, it is simply ignored by the backward compatible version, and omitted from the prototype for the APCu version.


As of PHP 8.0.0, apcu-bc is no longer supported.

注意: On Windows, APCu needs a temp path to exist, and be writable by the web server. It checks the TMP, TEMP and USERPROFILE environment variables in that order and finally tries the WINDOWS directory if none of those are set.

注意: For more in-depth, highly technical implementation details, see the »  developer-supplied TECHNOTES file .

APCu sources can be found » here.


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