The Win32ServiceException class

The Win32ServiceException class

(PECL win32service >=1.0.0)


The exception replaces the old mechanism where the error value needed to be compared to constants to detect which error was emitted. The Exception code is equal to the value of the error value and the exception message is based on the corresponding constant name.


class Win32ServiceException extends Exception {
/* 繼承的屬性 */
protected string $message = "";
private string $string = "";
protected int $code;
protected string $file = "";
protected int $line;
private array $trace = [];
private ?Throwable $previous = null;
/* 繼承的方法 */
final public Exception::getMessage(): string
final public Exception::getCode(): int
final public Exception::getFile(): string
final public Exception::getLine(): int
final public Exception::getTrace(): array
final public Exception::getTraceAsString(): string
public Exception::__toString(): string
private Exception::__clone(): void


發佈留言必須填寫的電子郵件地址不會公開。 必填欄位標示為 *