The Swoole\Buffer class
(PECL swoole >= 1.9.0)
class Swoole\Buffer
/* 方法 */
- Swoole\Buffer::append — Append the string or binary data at the end of the memory buffer and return the new size of memory allocated.
- Swoole\Buffer::clear — Reset the memory buffer.
- Swoole\Buffer::__construct — Fixed size memory blocks allocation.
- Swoole\Buffer::__destruct — Destruct the Swoole memory buffer.
- Swoole\Buffer::expand — Expand the size of memory buffer.
- Swoole\Buffer::read — Read data from the memory buffer based on offset and length.
- Swoole\Buffer::recycle — Release the memory to OS which is not used by the memory buffer.
- Swoole\Buffer::substr — Read data from the memory buffer based on offset and length. Or remove data from the memory buffer.
- Swoole\Buffer::__toString — Get the string value of the memory buffer.
- Swoole\Buffer::write — Write data to the memory buffer. The memory allocated for the buffer will not be changed.