FilterIterator 類
(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)
這個抽像類的遍歷並過濾出不想要的值。這個類應該被實現了迭代過濾器的類繼承 FilterIterator::accept() 方法必須被子類實現。
- FilterIterator::accept — Check whether the current element of the iterator is acceptable
- FilterIterator::__construct — Construct a filterIterator
- FilterIterator::current — Get the current element value
- FilterIterator::getInnerIterator — Get the inner iterator
- FilterIterator::key — Get the current key
- FilterIterator::next — Move the iterator forward
- FilterIterator::rewind — Rewind the iterator
- FilterIterator::valid — Check whether the current element is valid