The LengthException class « InvalidArgumentException LogicException » PHP Manual 異常 The LengthException class The LengthException class (PHP 5 >= 5.1.0, PHP 7, PHP 8) 簡介 Exception thrown if a length is invalid. 類摘要 class LengthException extends LogicException { /* 繼承的屬性 */ protected string $message = ""; private string $string = ""; protected int $code; protected string $file = ""; protected int $line; private array $trace = []; private ?Throwable $previous = null; /* 繼承的方法 */ final public Exception::getMessage(): string final public Exception::getPrevious(): ?Throwable final public Exception::getCode(): int final public Exception::getFile(): string final public Exception::getLine(): int final public Exception::getTrace(): array final public Exception::getTraceAsString(): string public Exception::__toString(): string private Exception::__clone(): void }