GNU Multiple Precision
- 簡介
- 安裝/配置
- 預定義常量
- 範例
- GMP 函式
- gmp_abs — Absolute value
- gmp_add — Add numbers
- gmp_and — Bitwise AND
- gmp_binomial — Calculates binomial coefficient
- gmp_clrbit — Clear bit
- gmp_cmp — Compare numbers
- gmp_com — Calculates one's complement
- gmp_div_q — Divide numbers
- gmp_div_qr — Divide numbers and get quotient and remainder
- gmp_div_r — Remainder of the division of numbers
- gmp_div — 別名 gmp_div_q
- gmp_divexact — Exact division of numbers
- gmp_export — Export to a binary string
- gmp_fact — Factorial
- gmp_gcd — Calculate GCD
- gmp_gcdext — Calculate GCD and multipliers
- gmp_hamdist — Hamming distance
- gmp_import — Import from a binary string
- gmp_init — Create GMP number
- gmp_intval — Convert GMP number to integer
- gmp_invert — Inverse by modulo
- gmp_jacobi — Jacobi symbol
- gmp_kronecker — Kronecker symbol
- gmp_lcm — Calculate LCM
- gmp_legendre — Legendre symbol
- gmp_mod — Modulo operation
- gmp_mul — Multiply numbers
- gmp_neg — Negate number
- gmp_nextprime — Find next prime number
- gmp_or — Bitwise OR
- gmp_perfect_power — Perfect power check
- gmp_perfect_square — Perfect square check
- gmp_popcount — Population count
- gmp_pow — Raise number into power
- gmp_powm — Raise number into power with modulo
- gmp_prob_prime — Check if number is "probably prime"
- gmp_random_bits — Random number
- gmp_random_range — Random number
- gmp_random_seed — Sets the RNG seed
- gmp_random — Random number
- gmp_root — Take the integer part of nth root
- gmp_rootrem — Take the integer part and remainder of nth root
- gmp_scan0 — Scan for 0
- gmp_scan1 — Scan for 1
- gmp_setbit — Set bit
- gmp_sign — Sign of number
- gmp_sqrt — Calculate square root
- gmp_sqrtrem — Square root with remainder
- gmp_strval — Convert GMP number to string
- gmp_sub — Subtract numbers
- gmp_testbit — Tests if a bit is set
- gmp_xor — Bitwise XOR
- GMP — The GMP class
- GMP::__serialize — Serializes the GMP object
- GMP::__unserialize — Deserializes the data parameter into a GMP object