Enchant spelling library
- 簡介
- 安裝/配置
- 預定義常量
- 範例
- Enchant 函式
- enchant_broker_describe — Enumerates the Enchant providers
- enchant_broker_dict_exists — Whether a dictionary exists or not. Using non-empty tag
- enchant_broker_free_dict — Free a dictionary resource
- enchant_broker_free — Free the broker resource and its dictionaries
- enchant_broker_get_dict_path — Get the directory path for a given backend
- enchant_broker_get_error — Returns the last error of the broker
- enchant_broker_init — Create a new broker object capable of requesting
- enchant_broker_list_dicts — Returns a list of available dictionaries
- enchant_broker_request_dict — Create a new dictionary using a tag
- enchant_broker_request_pwl_dict — Creates a dictionary using a PWL file
- enchant_broker_set_dict_path — Set the directory path for a given backend
- enchant_broker_set_ordering — Declares a preference of dictionaries to use for the language
- enchant_dict_add_to_personal — 別名 enchant_dict_add
- enchant_dict_add_to_session — Add 'word' to this spell-checking session
- enchant_dict_add — Add a word to personal word list
- enchant_dict_check — Check whether a word is correctly spelled or not
- enchant_dict_describe — Describes an individual dictionary
- enchant_dict_get_error — Returns the last error of the current spelling-session
- enchant_dict_is_added — Whether or not 'word' exists in this spelling-session
- enchant_dict_is_in_session — 別名 enchant_dict_is_added
- enchant_dict_quick_check — Check the word is correctly spelled and provide suggestions
- enchant_dict_store_replacement — Add a correction for a word
- enchant_dict_suggest — Will return a list of values if any of those pre-conditions are not met
- EnchantBroker — The EnchantBroker class
- EnchantDictionary — The EnchantDictionary class