Stomp Client
- 簡介
- 安裝/配置
- 範例
- Stomp 函式
- stomp_connect_error — Returns a string description of the last connect error
- stomp_version — Gets the current stomp extension version
- Stomp — The Stomp class
- Stomp::abort — Rolls back a transaction in progress
- Stomp::ack — Acknowledges consumption of a message
- Stomp::begin — Starts a transaction
- Stomp::commit — Commits a transaction in progress
- Stomp::__construct — 打開一個連線
- Stomp::__destruct — Closes stomp connection
- Stomp::error — Gets the last stomp error
- Stomp::getReadTimeout — Gets read timeout
- Stomp::getSessionId — Gets the current stomp session ID
- Stomp::hasFrame — Indicates whether or not there is a frame ready to read
- Stomp::readFrame — Reads the next frame
- Stomp::send — Sends a message
- Stomp::setReadTimeout — Sets read timeout
- Stomp::subscribe — Registers to listen to a given destination
- Stomp::unsubscribe — Removes an existing subscription
- StompFrame — The StompFrame class
- StompFrame::__construct — Constructor
- StompException — The StompException class
- StompException::getDetails — Get exception details