OpenAL Audio Bindings
- 簡介
- 安裝/配置
- 預定義常量
- OpenAL 函式
- openal_buffer_create — Generate OpenAL buffer
- openal_buffer_data — Load a buffer with data
- openal_buffer_destroy — Destroys an OpenAL buffer
- openal_buffer_get — Retrieve an OpenAL buffer property
- openal_buffer_loadwav — Load a .wav file into a buffer
- openal_context_create — Create an audio processing context
- openal_context_current — Make the specified context current
- openal_context_destroy — Destroys a context
- openal_context_process — Process the specified context
- openal_context_suspend — Suspend the specified context
- openal_device_close — Close an OpenAL device
- openal_device_open — Initialize the OpenAL audio layer
- openal_listener_get — Retrieve a listener property
- openal_listener_set — Set a listener property
- openal_source_create — Generate a source resource
- openal_source_destroy — Destroy a source resource
- openal_source_get — Retrieve an OpenAL source property
- openal_source_pause — Pause the source
- openal_source_play — Start playing the source
- openal_source_rewind — Rewind the source
- openal_source_set — Set source property
- openal_source_stop — Stop playing the source
- openal_stream — Begin streaming on a source