- 簡介
- 安裝/配置
- 預定義常量
- SQLite3 — SQLite3 類
- SQLite3::backup — Backup one database to another database
- SQLite3::busyTimeout — Sets the busy connection handler
- SQLite3::changes — Returns the number of database rows that were changed (or inserted or deleted) by the most recent SQL statement
- SQLite3::close — Closes the database connection
- SQLite3::__construct — Instantiates an SQLite3 object and opens an SQLite 3 database
- SQLite3::createAggregate — Registers a PHP function for use as an SQL aggregate function
- SQLite3::createCollation — Registers a PHP function for use as an SQL collating function
- SQLite3::createFunction — Registers a PHP function for use as an SQL scalar function
- SQLite3::enableExceptions — Enable throwing exceptions
- SQLite3::escapeString — Returns a string that has been properly escaped
- SQLite3::exec — Executes a result-less query against a given database
- SQLite3::lastErrorCode — Returns the numeric result code of the most recent failed SQLite request
- SQLite3::lastErrorMsg — Returns English text describing the most recent failed SQLite request
- SQLite3::lastInsertRowID — Returns the row ID of the most recent INSERT into the database
- SQLite3::loadExtension — Attempts to load an SQLite extension library
- SQLite3::open — Opens an SQLite database
- SQLite3::openBlob — Opens a stream resource to read a BLOB
- SQLite3::prepare — Prepares an SQL statement for execution
- SQLite3::query — Executes an SQL query
- SQLite3::querySingle — Executes a query and returns a single result
- SQLite3::setAuthorizer — Configures a callback to be used as an authorizer to limit what a statement can do
- SQLite3::version — Returns the SQLite3 library version as a string constant and as a number
- SQLite3Stmt — SQLite3Stmt 類
- SQLite3Stmt::bindParam — Binds a parameter to a statement variable
- SQLite3Stmt::bindValue — Binds the value of a parameter to a statement variable
- SQLite3Stmt::clear — Clears all current bound parameters
- SQLite3Stmt::close — Closes the prepared statement
- SQLite3Stmt::__construct — Constructs an SQLite3Stmt object
- SQLite3Stmt::execute — Executes a prepared statement and returns a result set object
- SQLite3Stmt::getSQL — Get the SQL of the statement
- SQLite3Stmt::paramCount — Returns the number of parameters within the prepared statement
- SQLite3Stmt::readOnly — Returns whether a statement is definitely read only
- SQLite3Stmt::reset — Resets the prepared statement
- SQLite3Result — SQLite3Result 類
- SQLite3Result::columnName — Returns the name of the nth column
- SQLite3Result::columnType — Returns the type of the nth column
- SQLite3Result::__construct — Constructs an SQLite3Result
- SQLite3Result::fetchArray — Fetches a result row as an associative or numerically indexed array or both
- SQLite3Result::finalize — Closes the result set
- SQLite3Result::numColumns — Returns the number of columns in the result set
- SQLite3Result::reset — Resets the result set back to the first row